Technical Information Pages for the Restoration of the BMW R75 and Zündapp KS 750.


Editor:  ERSATZTEIL    DIENST       Hans-Peter HOMMES       41363 Jüchen Kamphausen 156 C/2

Monthly available on our website.  


Number Plate



© 2012 h-p hommes




The Number Plate.



Front number plate.


The basic color of the front number plate is white with a surrounding black edge. There is an inscription on both sides and a stamp as well. On both number plates the lettering is in black and the stamp in red color.


Rear number plate. 


The rear number plate had beveled edges at the upper corners and rounded ones the bottom corners. Also a rear plate existed with square corners. Lettering, stamp and color are the same as on the front plate. There were always two stamps right and left to identify the troops, shown as WH.


Most vehicles had the registration marks WH, WL or WM.


Also vehicles that were used in other governmental organizations such as post, police or force labor (Reichsarbeitsdienst) had their own registration marks.

Here a few examples of the best known organizations and parts of the Wehrmacht:








WH       Wehrmacht Heer   

WL       Wehrmacht Luftwaffe

WM      Wehrmacht Kriegsmarine

RP        Reichspost

DR        Deutsche Reichsbahn

Pol        Polizei

RAD     Reichsarbeitsdienst       from 1941

OT       Organisation Todt         from 1943

RK       Deutsches Rotes Kreuz  from 1943  

        SS - Schutzstaffel, Waffen SS






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